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October 2024

Everything You Always Wanted to Know
About A TV Series 

But Were Too Afraid To Ask

  Altenir Silva


The screenwriters put their best into this season because they might not have the audience and the 'greenlight' to continue.



The screenwriters did things that deviate from the initial proposal because they already served the best dishes in the first season. Part of the audience, which has now turned into a 'fandom,' is patient and eagerly dreams of the third season because the cliffhanger was spectacular.



The screenwriters, driven by the fandom, discover other ways and attract new viewers. The marketing team is very happy with the product's sales.



The screenwriters explore the consequences that were set up in the third season. The cast gained significant attention at comic cons. The producers are considering creating spinoffs or making a feature for movie theaters. The coffers are hungry for money.



The screenwriters know the characters and plots that worked very well. So, what's next? While they decide, they create a magnificent cliffhanger at the end of the season to resolve after the vacation break, similar to what they did with Jon Snow in Game of Thrones



The screenwriters need to resolve the magnificent cliffhanger. Sometimes they manage to do it; other times, they have to stretch the plots, which leads to a lot of complaints from the fandom.



The screenwriters understand that this is the perfect season to end the series. Once that decision is made, everything becomes easier; you just let it roll downhill and focus on new projects. By the way, the fandom is already interested in other series at this point.




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Altenir Silva is a Brazilian playwright and screenwriter working in mass media and communications, including Cinema, Theater, Television and the Web. His texts and scripts - both fiction and reality-based - have been presented , produced and performed in the US, the UK, and Brazil.
For more of his writings in Scene4, check the Archives.

©2024 Altenir Silva
©2024 Publication Scene4 Magazine




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