David Alpaugh has published poetry, fiction, voice plays, and essays in
more than 100 journals. A popular performer at Bay Area poetry venues, he has taught at the University of California and the Osher
Lifelong Learning Institute. His honors include Woodrow Wilson and Ford Foundation fellowships; prizes for his plays from the University of
California; and the Nicholas Roerich poetry prize from Story Line Press. For more of his writings in Scene4, Check the Archives:
©2015 David Alpaugh
©2015 Publication Scene4 Magazine
Lewis Alpaugh has performed in genres that range from country and
bluegrass to jazz and traditional Celtic music. His compositions have been performed and recorded by a variety of artists from Irish flautist,
James Galway, to Nova Scotia’s Rankin Family, Florida’s Nature Coast Concert Band, and the San Francisco Bay Area’s Lowell Trio. He has
co-authored a popular collection of Acadian folk songs and hosts the syndicated radio show, “Backroads” which features country and
traditional music and interviews with well-known artists.
©2015 Lewis Alpaugh
©2015 Publication Scene4 Magazine