Scene4 Magazine - inFocus

Michael Bettencourt

The Catch-22 of Screenwriting
So who's going to read your screenplay? Godot?

Arthur Meiselman

At The River's End—Chanchala
Dead heat. Dead air. It is sargasso-time in the Keys.

Andrea Kapsaski

Márta Mészáros
One of the most significant woman directors from Europe

Martin Challis

Nathan Thomas

Claudine Jones

Something To Say
Where does this writer stand?

Comedy – A Sermon of Humanity
What is this, a joke?

I am the Voice on the answering machine.

Andréa Carvalho

Kelzy Ecard is Lady Leontina
The contemporary theatre has not abandoned playwriting.
Kelzy Ecard é Senhorita Leontina
O teatro contemporâneo não abandonou o texto



december 2005

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