A Fable from the 'War On Women'

Arthur Meiselman

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - perspectives on arts and media www.scene4.com
writings: dialogues

May 2012

On a lazy, warm, cloudy, summer's afternon
a boy and a girl play hide-and-seek.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to spank you.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to slap you.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to punch you.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to give you candy.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to give you ice cream.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to give you a doll.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to hug you.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to tickle you.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He calls: When I find you, I'm going to kiss you.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He yells: If I can't find you, I'm going to take off all my clothes and paint myself blue and never say another word. Then I'm going to show your mother what you made me do. And then I'm going to hide.

She calls: I'm hiding.

He whispers: I'm hiding.

She calls: You're in the closet. 

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©2012 Arthur Meiselman
©2012 Publication Scene4 Magazine

Arthur Meiselman is a playwright, writer and the Editor of Scene4.
He also directs the Talos Ensemble and produces for Aemagefilms

For more of his commentary and articles, check the Archives
Read his Blog


Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media


May 2012

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