I, Karren LaLonde Alenier, do solemnly swear
I Karren newly named Alenier, having married
my high school prom date
that I will support
our plan was I would support
my spouse while he got his MBA
and defend
that I would defend this plan which also allowed me
time and money to get a graduate degree
the Constitution of the United States
we were 22 united in our state of affairs
the US Constitution was furniture of our schooling
against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
of course I would serve my country against enemies
better this then let my husband go to Vietnam
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
without democracy how would I be free to write poetry
my mother-in-law said government work now, pension later
that I take this obligation freely,
with this ring I thee wed the rabbi asked
if we believed in G-d maybe we said
without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;
good enough the rabbi answered so we married
certain our fingerprints were joined
and that I will well and faithfully
fingers forever in the government database but we
husband and wife not so faithfully booked
discharge the duties of the office
yes there was a child he was meant to be
the lineage was right
on which I am about to enter.
my creative education ability to learn to think
I gave birth to a new self
So help me God.
always an undercover poet my constitution
the people's constitution intact