"...to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time."
~TS Eliot
beautiful summer season
has come to Cape Cod, MA.
The exhibition season is
not far behind; it's
always eagerly awaited in
one of the oldest and
biggest artists'
communities in the US,
anchored in and around
Provincetown, at the
scenic outer tip of the
I am happy to join them
again, for this month of
July. My 2-person show
takes place in the nearby
village of Wellfleet, at
Off Main Gallery.
True to its name, this
gallery tries to stay out
of the well-trodden path
of showing tourist art in
a tourist destination town
-- an Art street that is somewhat off Main street.
"Uncharted Territories"
(with Matt Carrano), opening July 1st, will be a rare chance for me to exhibit a different and rarely seen body of work. The gallery owner and I primarily selected work on paper,
from the last 10 years,
notable for their
exuberance and outgoing
spirit -- that restless
and intrepid spirit that
will never cease from
exploration! Like many of
us, I started my art
journey with drawing and
painting on paper, and
periodically am lured back
to its utterly enticing
surface. Paper responds
best to its own unique
range of materials.
Inherently experimental
and rich in color and
apparent texture, this
exhibition offers but a
taste, for our readers,
via this selection below.
You may find these images
both familiar and new,
drawing as they do from
the same well of
inspirations as most of my
work on canvas and wood.

"Malgré Toût" (Fr.= despite everything), 24 x 18 in. (61 x 46 cm),
Mixed drawing media on paper *

"The Undiscovered", 18 x 24 in. (46 x 61 cm),
Mixed drawing media on paper

"Quintet", 18 x 24 in. (46 x 61 cm), Mixed drawing media on paper.

"When the World Was Young Beyond Measure", 19 x 24 in. (48 x 61 cm),
Mixed drawing media on paper

"Carry Me Home", 20 x 15 in. (51 x 38 cm),
Mixed drawing media on paper.
Note: "Mixed drawing media on paper" = here usually means a combination of two, or
more, or all of --> Watercolor (Western & Japanese), gouache, watercolor stick, & water
-miscible chalks and pastels.