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25th Year of Publication

October 2024


On the Death of Small Creatures in Our Care
MichaelBettencourt | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.comOur eldest cat, Cordelia, 15 years of age, died. I so want to make this remembrance of her sentimental, soft, sadly joyous. But I must make one thing clear: she did not die of her own volition.   
Michael Bettencourt

Arthur Danin Adler  Scene4 MagazineThere is an almost countless number of urban-rural myths regarding people in foreign lands—places other than where you live.
Here are a few.
Arthur Danin Adler

Claudine Jones | Scene4 MagazineI'm finally really mourning my father. He's been gone since 1994. There's a very detailed and eloquent passage in the book I'm reading—the conflicted daughter at her dad's bedside .
Claudine Jones

Dining With Orson Welles
Les Marcott | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com
Looking back at the life and career of the late, great Orson Welles, it's hard to imagine how far he had fallen from the great heights he once ascended to.
Les Marcott

Notes Toward a Memoir of Madness and Writing - Part V
Gregory Luce | Scene4 MagazineIt's been almost six years since my resurrection and I have not had any further episodes. I wish I could say that anxiety had completely vanished, but in fact, it's a constant presence along the periphery.
Gregory Luce

Patrick Walsh | Scene4 MagazineThat year it was Florence and Tuscany,
and we had the best bistecca anyone could remember,
better than Luger's, better than Delmonico's...

Patrick Walsh


October 2024

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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