Scene4 Magazine - inFocus - This Issue
Scene4 Magazine-International Magazine of Arts and Media
This Issue



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Scene4 Magazine: inView

Michael Bettencourt
Seasonal Thoughts
When Shakespeare began "Richard III" with "Now is the winter of our discontent," he began with the wrong season.  Summer is the real season of discontent.

Arthur Meiselman
Owning Picasso
 I have a friend who owns a Picasso... and not much else. Which one? Don't ask, don't tell. He acquired this painting via less than legal and righteous means.

Nathan Thomas
An Idea
I helped found a theatre in the world of academia in 2003.  I had no real concept of who would show up or what we would
do if people showed up.
I did have an idea, though.

Les Marcott
Men In Suits
Men in suits populate talk radio with arrogant, pompous, cigar chomping, self-righteous bastards who hate diversity of opinion.  They only care about their own pocketbook.

Claudine Jones
Miss You
Dimly lit living room in a good size urban apartment.  Election returns are coming in on TV.  Kitchen lit from UR.  Kenny, 40ish man,  enters from kitchen

Scene4 Magazine — reView - review film, theatre, dance, music and other arts
Scene4 Magazine: "Appaloosa" and "W." reviewed by Miles David Moore
Scene4 Magazine: "Dr. Atomic" reviewed by Karren Alenier
Scene4 Magazine - Josef Koudelka: Rerospective of a Contemporary Master with Andrea Kapsaski
Scene4 Magazine: "Oz in America" by Ned Bobkoff

FILM Reviews

Miles David Moore

Dr. Atomic
at the Met
Karren Alenier

Josef Koudelka
Retrospective of A
Contemporary Master

Andrea Kapsaski

in America
Ned Bobkoff

The Steiny Road
to Operadom

The Ever Best of Virgil Thomson

Karren Alenier

Life Among
the Heffalumps

Capracorn Trumps Cassandra
Kathi Wolfe

In a small country town in outback Australia a young man is confronted with the fact that his father is missing presumed dead.
In the face of all the evidence to the contrary
he is convinced this is not the case
and sets out to discover the truth for himself.

The serialization of a new novel by

Martin Challis
Chapter Four (Part I) - Consequence

Old Hippy
Short Nuts

Elliot Feldman

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - perspectives on arts and media
Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom
Scene4 Magazine: Lia Beachy - La Femme La Mujer La Donna

La Femme
La Mujer La Donna

The Dance of the Dilettante
Lia Beachy

Scene4 Magazine - Kathi Wolfe - Life Among The Heffalumps
Scene4 Magazine: Tonto and Johnny - Fisfight in Hollywood by Carole Quattro Levine

Tonto and Johnny
Fistfight in Hollywood

Carole Quattro Levine

Scene4 Magazine: "Where Cedar Falls" by Martin Challis
Scene4 Magazine: Farewell to a Princess by Janine Yasovant
Scene4 Magazine: Old Hippy - Short Nuts - Elliot Feldman
Scene4 Magazine: Ted Orland - Scenes of Wonder & Curiosity

Farewell to
a Princess
Janine Yasovant
คลิกเพื่ออ่านบทความนี้ เป็นภาษาไทย

Ted Orland
Scenes of
Wonder & Curiosity

Scene4 Magazine: "Where Cedar Creek Falls" by Martin Challis
Scene4 Magazine — inPrint - downloads of plays and poetry

In a small country town in outback Australia a young man is confronted with the fact that his father is missing presumed dead. In the face of all the evidence to the contrary he is convinced this is not the case and sets out to discover the truth for himself.
The serialization of a new novel by
Martin Challis
Click to Read: Chapter Four (Part I) - Consequence

Echo Homo Prometeus
  Think of the dark. Think of the deep. Select the worst experience from that then multiply it by the imagination. Then multiply it again and add a defining zero. Now you begin to approach his desolation.

 A poetic monologue/play by
Martin Burke
Click to Read


Scene4 Blogs

The Readers Blog
Que Pasa

Writers Blogs
The Dressing/Karren Alenier
Miles David Moore/MDM
Life In Acting/Martin Challis
Thai Nights/Arthur Meiselman
Dr. Barnabas T. Bynum's
New School Musical Revue and Travelling Minstrel
Les Marcott

Click Here for More

Special Issues
What Is Art? / 2008
January 2008 Click Here

View of the Arts/2007
January 2007 Click Here

The Art of Sex in the Arts
February 2006 Click Here

State of the Art of the Arts
October 2005 Click Here

SCENE4 publishes Plays,
Screenplays, Scripts
and poetry. Click Here for More


An exciting catalog of fiction, poetry and plays ready for production
Click Here For More

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newtech2 Scene4 publishes
reviews, announcements
and useful information
 about new technology. Look for it in future issues and
check the Archives
for prior reviews.


Scene4 Magazine-International Magazine of Arts and Media
This Issue
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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine - International Magazine of Arts and Media. Copyright © 2000-2008 AVIAR-DKA LTD - AVIAR MEDIA LLC. All rights reserved.

Now in our 9th year of publication with
comprehensive archives of over 3000 pages 




