The Steiny Road
to Operadom

From China with Love
Chinese people love singing.
Perhaps it is because speaking their language with its rising and falling tones is like singing.

 Karren Alenier

Old Hippy
Working With the Black Death
Elliot Feldman

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - perspectives on arts and media
Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom
Scene4 Magazine: Lia Beachy - La Femme La Mujer La Donna

La Femme
La Mujer La Donna

Stay Little Valentine Stay
We are too impatient to coo and court. Pitching woo is best left to Hollywood movies and romance novels. We are a society that no longer has the time.
Lia Beachy

Scene4 Magazine - "Working With the Black Death" by Elliot Feldman
Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media

February 2010

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