Scene4 Magazine — International Magazine of Arts and Media
Scene4 Magazine-inView-Commentary


Michael Bettencourt

Arthur Meiselman

Nathan Thomas

Les Marcott

Claudine Jones

Martin Challis

Lia Beachy

Scene4 Magazine - inView - Commentary

Why I Want To Be A Poet
A love and a thirst for language forces me to try

What Price Glory?
In America, the arts have historically had a peripheral role

Labor And Just Compensation
Trained and experienced actors effectively subsidize their own work

Spooks, Kooks, Spies and Lies
The CIA and Hollywood

It Oughta Be So E-Z
He liked to noodle on the accordion

Scenestation - An Invitation
Script based training takes up a significant part of a program

Ode To The Solace Of Song
My comfort for an unquiet heart and soul is music

Scene4 Magazine-International Magazine of Arts and Media

may 2007

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine - International Magazine of Arts and Media - 6920 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Copyright © 2000-2007 AVIAR-DKA Ltd - Aviar Media LLC