Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media:

November 2009

Scene4 Magazine: inView

Michael Bettencourt
The Color-Line
The hero was also a black man choosing to sacrifice himself, in an act of love for his murdered wife, as a way to make justice "stick" where it needed to stick most:
in local hearts and local minds

Nathan Thomas
Directorial Power
Generally theatre folk have a notion of what a director probably ought not to do.  And we know when we're with a bad director.  But how do we go about getting a good director?

Arthur Meiselman
I'll Be Seeing You
in All the Old Familiar Places
I live in an ugly country—not the latent, panoramic beauty of America's countryside— rather it's cities and towns.

Les Marcott
The Trouble with Che
Who was the real Che Guevara?
It depends on who you ask.  Some say he was a revolutionary, a visionary, a philosopher who could more than hold his own with the likes of Jean Paul Sartre

Claudine Jones
Death Checks
It's probably a good thing to explore your boundaries, see for yourself that, if you go & go & keep going out past the familiar, you won't snap like an atrophied rubber band.

Martin Challis
Start Off the Way
You Would Like to Finish

One might ask, could this be another way of describing the mastery attained from hours and hours of work, be it writing, rehearsing or designing when less does
eventually become more?

Scene4 Magazine — reView - review film, theatre, dance, music and other arts
Scene4 Magazine: Miles David Moore reviews "Bright Star", "The Informant!", "The Invention of Lying"
Scene4 Magazine - The Met's New "Tosca" reviewed by Renate Stendhal
Scene4 Magazine - The Folger Consort reviewed by Karren Alenier
Scene4 Magazine - Stumbling Stones in German Streets - Renate Stendhal

Two Liars and a Poet
Bright Star
The Informant!
The Invention of Lying
Miles David Moore

'luc' warm
The Met's New Tosca
Renate Stendhal

Harmony of Friends
The Folger Consort
Karren Alenier

In German Streets
Stumbling Stones
Renate Stendhal

The Steiny Road
to Operadom

A Miscreant for Today
Who wrote the most misogynistic book every published and how is it possible that Gertrude Stein was influenced by such a miscreant?

 Karren Alenier

Scene4 Magazine — inSight - perspectives on arts and media
Scene4 Magazine - Karren Alenier - The Steiny Road To Operadom
Scene4 Magazine: Lia Beachy - La Femme La Mujer La Donna

La Femme
La Mujer La Donna

Culture Shock
Do you want to see the beautiful artistry and dazzling theatrics of a Cirque du Soleil show? It'll cost you.
Lia Beachy

Life Among
the Heffalumps

Life is an Adventure or Nothing at All
I love being a poet, but I gotta say, life for us poets isn't usually lyrical
or epic.

Kathi Wolfe

Scene4 Magazine - Kathi Wolfe - Life Among The Heffalumps
Scene4 Magazine - "Quality Timer with Dad" by Elliot Feldman

Old Hippy
Quality Time with Dad
Elliot Feldman

The serialization of a new novel by
Martin Challis
Chapter Ten, Part 2 - In Country
Before she could finish describing what she'd seen, he had turned and started the descent back down the slope.
Jenni quickly followed.
She knew he held the same fear.

Scene4 Magazine: "Where Cedar Falls" by Martin Challis
Scene4 Magazine - Healing the Body with Nature in Thailand | Janine Yasovant

Healing the Body
with Nature

Janine Yasovant
คลิกเพื่ออ่านบทความนี้ เป็นภาษาไทย

Scene4 Magazine: New Technology

Read our recent reviews.
And, watch for our coming review on printers and the resurgence of
Black & White Photography

Scene4 Magazine Arts and Media: Blogs

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Karren Alenier


Miles David Moore

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Les Marcott

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Martin Challis

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Arthur Meiselman

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Gertrude Stein-In Words and Pictures - Renate Stendhal

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Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media

November 2009

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine - International Magazine of Arts and Media. Copyright © 2000-2009 AVIAR-DKA LTD - AVIAR MEDIA LLC. All rights reserved.

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