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25th Year of Publication

September 2024


The Music in Defiance of the Taliban
Imagine a country where music is not allowed.
No Taylor Swift. No Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart.

Karren Alenier

Crystal Moment

Robert Peter Tristram Coffin

A progressive series of riveting sub-moments,
leading to a momentous finale.

David Alpaugh

The Artist as Blind Seer: A New Perspective on de Chirico/Part 1
Perhaps the most important immediate predecessor to the Surrealists, who adopted and then abandoned him.
Brian George


The Living Bauhaus: Collages of Rod Heft
It's no wonder the work of Rod Heft shares a sensibility with the German Bauhaus where, for example, our man Kandinsky taught from 1922 to the end.
Lissa Tyler Renaud


September 2024

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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