Welcome to Our

25th Year of Publication

September 2024



Chicken Bone (Part Two)
My Story with Ernest Hemingway   Altenir Silva 
I didn't have a choice, by the way, as I was already informed,
Don Cristallo didn't accept no. So… I went to his table.

Snake Eyes    Arthur Danin Adler  
Mr. Joe Caswell is a not too old, not too young man,
easy to smile, easy to laugh, quick to anger.
Mr. Joe Caswell is a consumer and dismisser of most things, especially people

Life Upon the Wicked Stage    Arthur Danin Adler  
On the Joy of Hearing a Stream of Words and Music from Gifted
Non-internet Writers and Phrased by a Magical Non-internet Voice .



Painting: Woman with Red Ribbon
Poetry: Voyages of Rediscovery

The Art of David Wiley

The Art of SS. Burrus
A Retrospective

When the Earth is ravaged
and the animals are dying,
a new tribe of people will appear
on the Earth

Patrick Nagel
It’s in the Eyes



Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives - Audio | Theatre Thoughts  | Michael Bettencourt  | www.scene4.com

Theatre Thoughts
An entertaining array of audio essays on an array
of theatre topics by an astute and entertaining essayist

You Don’t Say!
Occasional Musings by an occasionally amused writer



Undress Me  
In a bar, Laura turns to Stefan and asks him to
undress her, by word of mouth, in his best mother tongue

Light Fantastic  
Weighty matters of brain neurons and addiction, two kisses, single-malt scotch, the green dance of blue, yellow lasers

Ear Buds
What happens when we love our devices
 — and they love us back

The Greed Gene
A young couple is told by their genetic counselor that
their child has the greed gene, there is nothing they can do


Letters to the Editor






September 2024

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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