ELEFTHERIA Will you speak Greek to me?
Shall there be spring?
Yes, there shall be Spring.
"The Once and Future Spring", 12in. x 24in. (31cm x 61cm), Oil stick,
acrylic & glass beads on wood panel, 2017.
Will you speak Greek to me?
There will be an Apogee and a Perigee. There will be Tragedee… and there will be Comedee. And an occasional Apotheosis.
"Universe in a Grain of Sand", 20in. x 30in. (51cm x 76cm), Oil stick, acrylic, pigment &
mixed media on wood panel, 2015.
Yes, but will there be time?
There will be a moment in time - with impeccable timing… . If you wish, it will be a long moment… .
"From Time to Time", 36in. x 36in. (91cm x 91cm), Oil stick, acrylic, & mixed media on
wood panel, 2016. Private collection, MA.
Do you hear the sound?
It's the sound of the Cosmos.
And will the Earth wake up?
There will be symbols and portents.
"At Dawn We Slept", 30in. x 40in. (76cm x 102cm), Oil stick, acrylic, & mixed textural
media on wood panel, 2017.
And?.. Shall there be Spring?
Yes, there shall be Spring.
—Philip Gerstein