Scene4 Books from Aviarpress - www.aviarpress.com
Currently On Sale

Character Flaws
A zesty, tasty collection of Monologues along with short plays and short stories by writer, composer, performer.
Les Marcott



The Autobiography of Lester Cole
Legendary screenwriter, one of the founders of the Screenwriters Guild
( now the WGA) and the most unrelenting and outspoken member of the blacklisted "Hollywood Ten".



A Savage Duty
1844, when California was still part of Mexico, a mysterious group of native Californios confronting the land hungry Americans, a troubled love story of a young American girl and a secret British agent combine in this intriguing novel by Jack Adler



Ceilings - Cielorrasos
An intense portrayal of the captivity
of a man inside his
own skin
and the thoughts
and feelings
that torture him,
in a poetic
autobiography by
an Argentine poet.
Gito Minore
In English and Spanish



Jody Thomas Doesn't Want To Die
A young man, a cop-killer condemned to a bizarre death-row execution, suddenly commands his own future. He has twisted the system, there is nothing to negotiate except his own survival.
Arthur Danin Adler



Hello And...

This unlikely duet with two victims of the AIDS plague is not about the
politics of social issues. It is a portrait of a relationship.
The entire play takes place over the telephone.
Arthur Danin Adler



Julius Krinski - A Life
The enduring journal of a writer, a confidante of Australia's Nobel Laureate, Patrick White, a lover to world famous actresses Zoe Caldwell, Pamela Stevenson
(and others). A raw reckoning, a poetic journal, a journey, a life.



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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine–International Magazine
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