great Swedish playwright, August Strindberg, among others, adamantly
claimed that the only difference between humans is male and female. He
was uppsalaistically right. There are no races, just one species: homo
sapiens. Racisim is a fraud, a tool, a weapon, a cudgel. Skin color,
hair, nose and toes are part of a desultory external costume. Inside
the human being, there's but one identity, and of course, genitals
have a tale to tell.
Our latest "grand awakening", with its
lack of over-arching historical perspective, launches the response: So
what else is new? For over 10,000 years (or more) the human male has
pummeled 99% of his species, primarily in these four persona:
clergyman, military man, politician, capitalist… the latter
being self-motivated and providing the motivation for the other three.
Profit and power. Think about it, read about it. It has always been
that way. We aren't just discovering it. 10,000 years of clergy,
soldiers, kings, and merchants. That's our history. Still is.
Witness: Putin's rape of Ukraine.
On January 24, 1920 Amadeo Modigliani
died of tubercular meningitis. He was 35. A day later, in suicidal
grief, Jeanne Hébuterne, his common-law wife and mother of one child,
jumped from a fifth floor window at her parents' home killing
herself and a second unborn child. She was 21.
During his brief, prolific career,
Modigliani's work and his life-style were considered obscene and
scorned. Hébuterne was considered obscene by her family even for a
long, lingering time after her death. Obscene work that is today
revered and collected as masterpieces. Recently, one of
Modigliani's 'obscenities' was 'scorned' to the
tuneful price of $55.7 million dollars. An obscene relationship that
over the years has become a maudlin, romantic, signatory legend of
despairing artistry and doomed love.
There is no obscenity in the arts. There
is only a perspective that deems and labels out of ignorance, fear,
politics, financial gain, and severe self-displeasure.
Obscenity is in the mind of the beholder.
Witness: A Texas schoolboard.
