In the title poem of her new book, The End of Horses,
Margo Stever begins "I write to you from the end/ of the time zone." This
led the Steiny Road Poet to ask her in a Zoom interview conducted April
1, 2022, if she would call this poem an ars poetica, a poem that
meditates on the art of writing poetry. As a follower of Gertrude Stein,
a writer who was focused on shaking up writing so that readers would
engage in the knowledge she had to impart—and her knowledge was
substantial since she had studied with Harvard's philosopher-psychologist
William James— Steiny is concerned with writing that shakes things

Let's stop here and talk about the crossover between ars poetica and
political action/call to arms poetry. Stever, for example, will tell you she is
concerned with ecological wellbeing and The End of Horses is her plea to
take action to save animals and environment before it is too late.
I write to you from the end
of the time zone. You must realize
that nothing survived after
the horses were slaughtered.
We sleep below the hollow
burned-out stars.
We look into dust bowls
searching for horses.
When you walk in the country,
you will be shocked to meet
substantial masses on the road.
We do not know whom to blame
or where the horses were driven,
who slaughtered them, or for what
purpose. Had the horses slept
under the linden trees? The generals
and engineers pucker
and snore on the veranda.
Stever was more willing to say that her poem "MIT Poetry Workshop,
1969" is an ars poetica because it discusses the writing philosophy of
Denise Levertov for whom the poem is written and who led that 1969
poetry workshop at MIT. During that time, Stever was a student at Harvard
protesting the Vietnam War and getting arrested for a sit-in there. "When
poets possess the ability to write,/ you [Levertov] told me, they do not own
their gifts any more than people/ own land or animals. Poets are vessels
from which poems// emerge." For clarity, Stever is not dropping names.
She and Mark (Pawlak, author of My Deniversity: Knowing Denise Levertov—MadHat Press, 2021) called Levertov to come protest San
Francisco State University President S.I. Hayakawa as he spoke against
student protest at Northeastern University. Despite being in the middle of
giving a reading, Levertov rushed out with some of her audience following
her so that she could confront the police trying to break up the
URP…here Steiny pulls up short to observe that Stever is/was aligned with
Levertov politically. While Levertov influenced Stever, Stever is most
clearly presenting her ars poetica in her new collection of poetry. The
whole book seems to be a meditation on how Stever writes and is integrally
related to her call to action on behalf of animals and the environment.
What is especially surprising is that some of the poems in The End of
Horses go back to writings from high school. Steiny asked Stever about the
koan-like poems that appear on the section pages. For example, Section
Two offers this prefatory poem:
The shade pulled down
like an eyelid near sleep
rocks back and forth.

In Stever's notes at the end of the book, she states only that chapter-break
poems were written by the author. In Steiny's interview, Steiny asked if
Stever wrote the chapter-break poems before or after The End of Horses
was organized into three sections? Stever said Levertov told her these
minimalistic observations were valid poems but until Stever was working
on The End of Horses, she never saw a way of publishing them in a book.
Despite these poems having been published in the Harvard Advocate,
Stever didn't think of these words as poems. Their value? Each chapter
-break poem is unsettling, as in "The shade pulled down," we don't know
what current of air is rocking that shade and is the shade a stand-in for
something dead?
As with the chapter break poems, Stever has other poems that put the
reader on notice that things in this world are not as they should be. Take
"Locked Ward I," a poem that takes the reader inside an insane asylum
where a "girl escapes somehow, leopard-/ print PJs silhouetted in riotous
light" from "patients, straightjacketed,// slump[ed] in chairs" and the
nightly distribution of pills that "smother them [the patients] into vacant
sleep." Stever said we humans are watching a slow-motion spin into an
apocalypse where life — that of animals, plants, or humans — cannot be
In The End of Horses, Margo Stever demonstrates her mastery of writing in
a collection of poems that is both an ars poetica and a call to action to save
our planet.