in the steaming pile
dumped on our democracy
do you stick in the
shovel and begin?
I know that not every
Scene4 reader will see
things this way, but
regardless of one's
political seasonings, I
think we can all agree
that what is happening
is a coup, a
continuation by other
means of what happened
on Jan. 6, 2021. This
time, the stormers of
the building are Elon
Musk and Donald Trump,
but the goal is the
same: the replacement
of an American
democracy with a
Hungarian democracy,
the replacement of
governance by the
people with
participatory fascism.
The language available
these days to talk
about what is going on
is not sufficient to
the purpose of
understanding this. We
can see this with the
minimal efforts at
resistance by the
Democrats, whose
ideological vocabulary
does not have words for
tyranny, tyrant,
putsch, Bolsheviks, and
so on. They're limited
by their institutional
courtesies and
boilerplate and thus
will not man the
What is the language we
need? Something of an
older language, from
older political regimes
with starker power
differentials: not
president but tyrant
(or at least king); not
"friends" but vassals;
not political
appointees but
myrmidons; not advisers
but courtiers; not the
electorate but the
plebians; not
broligarchs but
patricians; not the
Republican party but
This, I think, makes
the power dynamics of
the groups in play, and
thus what losses are at
stake, clearer: The
king wants all of his
myrmidons and courtiers
to strip away the
rights and privileges
won by the plebians so
that his vassals and
patricians can prosper
in ways heretofore
There are only two
morally legitimate
responses to this
situation: you go with
the king or you go
against the king. The
choice is where you
place the shovel.
The really immediate
resistance needed is
delay, to give the
courts time to exercise
their powers. (Zack
Beauchamp at Vox had an excellent piece about this.) Delay can come from civil servants refusing to be railroaded, delay can come from organizations fighting the freezes on funding, delay can come from a fusillade of litigation.
But let's understand
that these acts will
not give enough delay
to save us. The only
resistance that will
get the king to blink
is mass demonstrations
by the plebians –
constant, and rude.
Americans can be good
at ginning these up
– there is a long
history of us doing so
– but I also fear
that many Americans
have forgotten how to
do this, have lost the
taste for doing this
– but it really
is the only solution to
delaying things long
enough for
institutional powers to
come to bear.
This is as far as I can
go at the moment. I
can't say that if we
can build massive shows
of resistance to the
king and manage to claw
back what he has stolen
from us that this will
somehow be the savior
of American democracy.
If there is any good
that has come from
Trump, his feckless
egotism has shown how
much farther American
democracy needs to go
to be a real,
functioning governance
by the people rather
than whatever Potemkin
thing we have going on
The resistance is only
the beginning –
hopefully the beginning
of the end of Trump and
his court but also
hopefully the beginning
of continuing the
American experiment of
creating a multiethnic,
multiracial society
which affords a
prosperous and healthy
life to all its
citizens in a state of
freedom and camaraderie
guided by governance
that is competent and
civic-minded and
infused with a sense of
the commonwealth. That
has always been the
north star of the
better American angels
of our nature. Be a
shame to see it pass