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August 2024

 Chicken Bone (Part One)
My Story with Ernest Hemingway

Altenir Silva

That day was unforgettable. I saved a mob boss, and bam, my whole life went upside down. It happened last year when I was dating a girl named Allison at an Italian restaurant near Prospect Park South in Brooklyn Heights.

I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before the appointment. The place had only a handful of tables occupied. I sat at a table next to the kitchen exit because I love the smell of food being cooked. The waiter brought the menu. I got a Negroni cocktail and said that I was waiting for someone before ordering my meal.

Twenty minutes after the appointment, Allison still hadn't arrived. The waiter approached, so I decided to order something. I chose a pepperoni pizza and a glass of red wine. While I waited for my pizza, three men came and sat at the table next to me.

Soon after these men were seated, the waiter arrived with a tray and began serving Pollo alla Cacciatora, pasta with Bolognese sauce, and a bottle of red wine. The order came so quickly that they had probably ordered it beforehand. They appeared very hungry, devouring the food faster than Mariano Rivera's fastballs.

I was eating my pizza when one of the three men choked, likely on a chicken bone from the Pollo alla Cacciatora. The waiter and the other two men didn't know what to do. The choking man was dying.

I immediately got up from my table and positioned myself behind him, embracing him tightly, placing my hands on his stomach. With determination, I pressed firmly several times until the man forcefully expelled the chicken bone. He was saved. I had saved a man.

Thoughts from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" flooded my mind, along with questions: Who is this man? What about his family and friends? If he had died, who would feel his absence? But he lives! What impact will he have on others' lives from here?

A few minutes later, Allison still hadn't arrived, and it seemed she wouln't be coming at all. Bingo! I received a message on my iPhone saying she had to deal with some work-related issues. So, I stayed there, looking at nothing and thinking about everything.

The man I had saved was seated at his table, drinking water along with the other two men. One of these men got up and approached me, saying, "Don Cristallo is very gracious. He wants to compensate you for your help." I replied that it wouldn't be necessary. But the man insisted, almost like a threat. "Don Cristallo has never received a no. So, I invite you to join his table." He said this and, like a bride slowly stepping into a church, went back to his table.

The Godfather movie by Francis Ford Coppola came to my mind: If I go, my laces would be tied forever; if I don't and ignore the invitation, only God would know what could happen to me. Then, I drank the rest of the wine in the glass and made my decision.


(To be continued)


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Altenir Silva is a Brazilian playwright and screenwriter working in mass media and communications, including Cinema, Theater, Television and the Web. His texts and scripts - both fiction and reality-based - have been presented , produced and performed in the US, the UK, and Brazil.
For more of his writings in Scene4, check the Archives.

©2024 Altenir Silva
©2024 Publication Scene4 Magazine




August 2024

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