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25th Year of Publication

August 2024


I Miss You, David Graeber
MichaelBettencourt | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.comHe proposed anarchism as a way to unknot the toxic bind of right -wing populism and give its indignation a vocabulary and a means worthy of its impulse and desires..  
Michael Bettencourt

War and Death and Taxes
Arthur Danin Adler  Scene4 MagazineWhat did we see through the stained, distant window when America's longest and most arrogantly insane war in Afghanistan faded into the gleeful archives of history?.
Arthur Danin Adler

Let's get something straight
Claudine Jones | Scene4 MagazineI've just spent three days in a row not going outside except to check my little library and see if somebody's been fucking around in there again so far not so bad.
Claudine Jones

The Old Men Monologues - Part III
Les Marcott | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com
Hello, I see you're new here. Waiting for your kid, huh? Me, too. I’m waiting for my daughter. You see, I’ve been waiting for the last 35 years. Yep…every school day…for the last thirty...five... years.
Les Marcott

Notes Toward a Memoir of Madness and Writing - Part III
Gregory Luce | Scene4 MagazineAfter the wasted few days, I was discharged to follow up care at a facility attached to the hospital that ran the rehab program, and I was able to be assigned to mental health care rather than substance abuse.
Gregory Luce

My Cinematic Refuge: Midnight in Paris
Patrick Walsh | Scene4 MagazineSometimes, when the world overwhelms me with its violence and vulgarity, its obscenity, even its banality, there are also films to which I return much the same way one needs the refuge of a song.
Patrick Walsh


August 2024

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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