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August 2024


Hieroglyph VIII

The Art of David Wiley


A Pirate's Pilgrimage
(for Maraman Glossenger)

Once I vowed to leave a buried record
in all the places whose exotic rites
I had attended or arranged.
It was wonder and desire
and the impulse of science.

By devious means of odors and photons,
the part of ourselves
that stays locked in dreams,
I would make a map of all such treasures:
"Here, beneath the lowest branch
of the southernmost magnolia tree
in Jackson Square, two feet under…"
Envisioning my old age and the final tour,
a last word in sentimental journeys,
I would dig these poems up and read
for everyone my black and golden histories,
those rhapsodies and exaltations
that followed me through continents
and vanished in the plenum with a sigh.

Always I would know the right place
to dig, and the perfect instrument.
And if ever I should have to stop
it would be the stasis of a hovering angel
whose wings are made of isinglass
to cast the spectra of that world
where life was turned to words
and skeletons were buried with the gems.

Finished now with voyages of discovery,
no more in command of my ship, a derelict,
I have one eye, a peg leg,
a jaded parrot on my shoulder;
the spots where my treasures are buried
are likely marked with busy monuments
about five hundred feet tall.


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Art and Writing Selection
Lissa Tyler Renaud

David Wiley painter-poet: graduate of U. Kansas; studied at Mexico City College and with artist Ignacio Belen in Barcelona. Widely traveled, he exhibits throughout California and abroad. Wiley has published two volumes of poetry: Designs for a Utopian Zoo (1992) and The Face of Creation (1996). Since 2005, Wiley has received large mural commissions in Arizona, Mexico and California. Wiley is a longtime contributor to Scene4: paintings, poems, meditations on art, creative non-fiction.
To inquire about his paintings, click here.
For more of his paintings, poetry and writings, check the Archives.

©2024 David Wiley
©2024 Publication Scene4 Magazine




August 2024

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