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25th Year of Publication

August 2024

 To Welcome This Summer!
Philip Gerstein



“Everything that needs to be said

has already been said.

But since no one was listening,

everything must be said again.”

~Andre Gide


I am writing this welcome on the threshold of the Summer Solstice arriving in our Northern Hemisphere. May this inflection, this high point of the summer, this luxuriousness of uninterrupted light, surprise the dark corners of humanity's consciousness into a shining summer of clarity -- an augury cast against the cold calculation of war, the bitterness of violence, the dimming of hopes and the paucity of choices... .

May the twin forces of creation and destruction find the equilibrium that our living planet itself exemplifies -- an emergence, a transformation, an oasis and a mirage -- a blue-and-white beacon snatched out of the cold and the darkness, and poised on the blurry line between improbability and inevitability... .

Thusly reasoned & conceived, comes another, summer show of a ragtag collective of artists known as Shared Habitat Earth (S.H.E.), based in Boston and surrounding area. It is to this exhibition that I shall contribute two expansive, post-minimal works on paper. One of them has just been seen at the April five-artist show about color, that I organized at the Brickbottom Gallery -- but could have been easily missed due to modest size and among the panoply of colorful offerings.

  Gerstein-What Is Man"What Is a Man?",  13 x 17 in. (33 x 43 cm),

  Mixed drawing media on paper, 2020-21


The second work on paper will be exhibited for the first time. It's framed with a large mat, to allow it to breathe. It is a special piece, coming out of a special place within, and traveling to a special place without... .


Gerstein_Everything-Is-cr"Everything Is",  15 x 20 in. (38 x 51 cm),

  Mixed drawing media on paper, 2020-21


Look to my website for more details, as the dates & times unveil and come to a finer resolution... .


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Born and raised in Moscow, Russia, Philip Gerstein began exhibiting his work in the 1980's, while pursuing a PhD in Art History at Harvard University. He studied painting at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Japanese calligraphy with Toshu Ogawa. Gerstein exhibits in NYC, Provincetown MA, and extensively in the Boston area, as well as organizing and curating painting and photography shows. For his paintings – extensively reviewed and widely collected see www.PhilipGerstein.com. For his other work in Scene4, check the Archives

©2024 Philip Gerstein
©2024 Publication Scene4 Magazine


August 2024

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