Welcome to Our
25th Year of Publication

July 2024


Three Trapped Tigers: A Cautionary Tale
The writing style with its highly evolved word play evokes Stein’s nemesis James Joyce and the Joy(ce) ride accomplished in Ulysses.
Karren Alenier

The Emperor of Ice Cream
Wallace Stevens

All poems have a You and an I—although they don’t always use those pronouns explicitly. In the simplest instances the “I” is the creative presence we call The Poet.

David Alpaugh

Re-Visiting July 2020
Peace and War:

Some Unknown Poems by Kandinsky

So many of the early pieces in this series–since 2019–deserve re-visiting by its longtime readers, as well by readers who joined us more recently.
Jelena Hahl-Fontaine and Lissa Tyler Renaud

The Stranger Face of the Friend
Part Four
 At cross-purposes, wearing constellated masks, two actors perform what they are scheduled to perform, and they may not turn to applaud each other’s skill.

Brian George

Benjamat Bangluang
เบญจมาศ บางหลวง
She is a good example of a new artist, presenting women of Thailand. Those who see her work ask what happens when she conveys the meaning of her own life.
Janine Yasovant


July 2024

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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