Welcome to Our
25th Year of Publication

July 2024


The Body and the New House
MichaelBettencourt | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.comWith the buying of our new house, my body has found
a new phase of being, a constant state of stiff, sore
and not-so-supple. 
Michael Bettencourt

Promise Me A Garden
Arthur Danin Adler  Scene4 MagazineOn this, our 25th anniversary,
here is a tribute to that beginning
and the woman who inspired Scene4.
Arthur Danin Adler

Run-up to Showtime
Claudine Jones | Scene4 MagazineSupreme Court strikes down federal ban on bump stock devices  
Oh absoLUTEly, yes!! Now we just need these folks to stand in a big ole circle. Preferably all likkered up.

Claudine Jones

The Old Men Monologues - Part II
Les Marcott | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com
All right, first I would like to thank everyone for showing up tonight. 
I realize it's a little late for some of us guys. However, there is coffee available for those who are nodding off.
Les Marcott

Notes Toward a Memoir of Madness and Writing - Part II
Gregory Luce | Scene4 MagazineThe tipping point arrived on an unseasonably warm day in late January. My anxiety had ratcheted up to a near panic attack, ironically enough as I was heading for an appointment with my psychiatrist.
Gregory Luce

“A brilliant red Barchetta . . .”
Patrick Walsh | Scene4 MagazineSummer after summer, I get deeply into the Rush song
“Red Barchetta”. Maybe it’s because I do a lot of cycling in the warm months and on a favorite route of mine, the bucolic country road.

Patrick Walsh


July 2024

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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