June 2024

Memorial Day:
A Time To Love and A Time To Hate - Redux


Arthur Danin Adler

This column was originally published shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York City. It was revisited four years later and now again because our vision has separated into two eyes: in one, nothing has changed—in the other everything has changed, forever.

There is a chilling moment at the end of David Lean’s classic, The Bridge On The River Kwai, when the prison-camp doctor (James Donald) surveying the carnage in the river bed below him, moans breathlessly: “Madness......... Madness!” The dark, frozen look in his eyes says it all. And in the ruins of 9/11 and Iraq and Afganistan and Ukraine and Gaza, those words of the screenwriters (the blacklisted Carl Foreman and Michael Wilson) ... say it all!

Madness fueled by hypocrisy. Americans were terrorized, outraged, enraged. This from a society that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent Hiroshima and Nagasaki civilians for reasons that are murky at best. Only to repeat the horror 25 years later with the murder of hundreds of thousands, millions of Vietnamese people in the name of Americanocracy, in a toilet of self-righteous lies. Only to repeat the horror in Africa and the Middle East.

With insane irony, worthy of the delphic truth of Lenny Bruce, there was a scene in New York on the day after 9/11, broadcast on all the television networks – a bewildered, horrified, tearful Fire Captain says to the camera that he served three tours of duty in Vietnam, but he never saw anything as horrible as this. Did he not see the ancient city of Hue in Vietnam after he nearly exterminated it?

To be sure, what happened in New York and Washington was terrible, painful, a ghastly nightmare. It shook the security that is the peace and beauty of America like an earthquake. And it shook the love and the guilt-ridden hate of people all over the world because, after all, America is the Promised Land, the epitome of civilized evolution, the best we have to date for individual freedom.

To be sure, there has been worse. The Nazi Holocaust is still unfathomable and may remain so as a portrait of a civilized society thrilled and glutted with its own terror. It continues… the roots of the Nazi disease spread into the Middle East during and after World War II as it spurred, supported and nurtured Middle Eastern violence. It continues, today. But what made 9/11 so mind-numbing, so sleepless… was the sudden awareness that there are people... thousands of people who are willing to destroy their lives, to destroy what they fear, what they don't understand. Not true in Nazi Germany, or Japan, or ancient Rome.

As America's jaunty president, Harry Truman, once said: it is almost impossible to stop anyone who is willing to give up their life to kill you. It's that frightening thought that sits on the horizon.

So what must we do? The challenge of True Believers, of Fundamentalism, all Fundamentalism, Christian, Jewish, Islamic… is its mindless, degrading nostalgia for the "better" way that things were. The Islamic fundamentalists, in particular, raise the challenge of turning the clock back a thousand years, of wiping out Da Vinci and algebra and Shakespeare and cyberspace and women and baseball. So it is time, in the only time that remains… for America to manifest its destiny, to roll its epitomized culture over the surface of this planet and say: you want our hope, our medicine, our jazz, our rock&roll, our Walt Disney, our hope… then join our democracy and live by it. It is, after all, the best that has ever been. Isn't it?

Isn't it?

I am a fundamentalist. I have a mindless, degrading nostalgia for the way things never were but could be. My "prophet" lives in the mind but no longer the body of Gerard K. O'Neill, a brilliant, important, pragmatic scientist, theorist, visionary, a writer of exceptional sensitivity and clarity. He not only showed us what we must do, he showed us how to do it. He said – and I paraphrase as crudely as possible – It is time to get the hell off this planet!

Attempting to salvage this planet and its environment is a repetitive lesson in futility. Along with the never-ending onslaught of corporate greed and political hypocrisy (which from Day 1 has been exercised by a few at the expense of the many), is the cold, wide-eyed, staring fact that the human species crossed a point of no return 100's of years ago when our population began a relentless exponential march of growth leading to the outdistancing of the resources of this planet. Today, it is measured as what our species consumes in 1 year takes the planet 1.5 years to replenish. We cannot go back. And if we cannot control our head-in-the-sand fear of the future by spending our time and energy to move on into the riches "out there" instead of wasting our time and energy squeezing the last drops of oil from the last skeletons of rocks "down here", the meek and the muck will indeed inherit the Earth.

Add this to the gloom, these astonishing events in our evolution:
One – we have achieved the ability with weapons and industry to self-destruct, to wipe ourselves and our history off the canvas without a trace. Two – We have created huge groups of people who are adamantly willing to use that ability, those weapons, that industry, with all the ignorance and mindless fervor that religious tyranny can provide.

Echo: G.K. O'Neill – It is time!

I hope there is enough left.


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Arthur Danin Adler is a playwright, writer and the founding Editor of Scene4. For more of his commentary and articles, check the Archives.


©2024 Arthur Danín Adler
©2024 Publication Scene4 Magazine


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