June 2024


Brilliant Exiles
An important exhibition that focuses on women artists who flourished in the City of Light in
the early 1900’s.

Karren Alenier

Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots, Dec’d
Mark Twain

This poem that has delighted readers most is unusual in that it was not published as a standalone piece but as an integral part of Huckleberry Finn.

David Alpaugh

“Nina and Me”:
Jelena's Years with Kandinsky's Wife (Part 2)

After Kandinsky's death in 1944, Nina asked me, as well as many others, how to proceed with carrying out Kandinsky's last will. Everyone knew what was in his will.
Jelena Hahl-Fontaine - edited by Lissa Tyler Renaud

The Stranger Face of the Friend
Part Three
 I became obsessed with the idea of the “façade.” Worcester’s skyline was no more than a series of cardboard cutouts. How strange it was that they had no other side.

Brian George

Srijai Kuntawang
ศรีใจ กันทะวัง
In each era artists never stop creating and what artists use as creative guidelines that come from things that are close to the artist, for example, lifestyle, nature, even.
Janine Yasovant


June 2024

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