June 2024


A Retrospective
Fire Reborn

Fire Reborn | The Art of SS Burrus-A Retrospective | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com

Sleeping In The Desert

Sleeping In The Desert | SS. Burrus | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com



Safe From The Outside World

Safe From the Outside World | SS. Burrus | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com



Eye To Eye

Eye to Eye | SS. Burrus | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com

Polynesian At Black Hole

Humnim... Polynesian At Black Hole  | SS. Burrus | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com


Quantum Birth

Quantum Birth | The Art of SS. Burrus | Scene4 Magazine | March 2020 | www.scene4.com


When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people will appear on the Earth of many colors, creeds and classes, and by their actions and deeds will make the Earth green again.
They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.
Hopi Prophecy

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Samye Sampsel Burrus/Nannihe was an award-winning painter, sculptor, muralist, designer and an illustrator and author of many children's books. Her work has been exhibited and collected worldwide. She was a Cherokee woman and a citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. Her heritage and culture was a primary source of inspiration in her art.
For more about SS. Burrus/Nannihe Read Here


©2024 Estate of SS. Burrus
 ©2024 Publication Scene4 Magazine


June 2024

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