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25th Year of Publication

September 2024


Apollo Belvedere and IKB
The Photography of Jon Rendell

Love Under Pressure
Challengers, The Fall Guy
The theme of love tested under tense or perilous circumstances has been a staple of romantic films for as long as the genre has existed.
Miles David Moore


Duang-rithi Klaewplodthuk
(Food stylist and Food expert)

ดวงฤทธิ์ แคล้วปลอดทุกข์

He is the person behind the cooking of Thai food as an expert instructor at many university-level educational institutions.
Janine Yasovant

A Tale of Two West Side Stories
The powerful originality of the new at the same time reminds what a remarkable film in its own right the Jerome Robbins-Robert Wise
 original was.

Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold


September 2024

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of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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