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25th Year of Publication

September 2024


Apollo Belvedere and IKB
The Photography of Jon Rendell

Love Under Pressure
Challengers, The Fall Guy
The theme of love tested under tense or perilous circumstances has been a staple of romantic films for as long as the genre has existed.
Miles David Moore


Duang-rithi Klaewplodthuk
(Food stylist and Food expert)

ดวงฤทธิ์ แคล้วปลอดทุกข์

He is the person behind the cooking of Thai food as an expert instructor at many university-level educational institutions.
Janine Yasovant

A Tale of Two West Side Stories
The powerful originality of the new at the same time reminds what a remarkable film in its own right the Jerome Robbins-Robert Wise
 original was.

Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold


Seamus’ Belly
MichaelBettencourt | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.comI don’t know what he’s thinking, how he’s thinking, but it seems reasonable to interpret that he is making a choice based on a desire and has a plan to satisfy the desire.   
Michael Bettencourt

Life Among the Species… Redux
Arthur Danin Adler  Scene4 MagazineIt's back in all its persecuting glory. A constant tribute to and an icon of superstition and fear, a stupidly designed structure with an ugly exterior that denied Greek and Roman engineering and beauty.
Arthur Danin Adler

Getting up and getting out
Claudine Jones | Scene4 MagazineIf I'm watching Ram Dass or Alan Watts or even Krishnamurti, all long since dead, one of the best things is that there is no questioning. There's simply an excerpt of wisdom I would call it. Elucidating.
Claudine Jones

The Key West Scene
Les Marcott | Scene4 Magazine | www.scene4.com
Having all of that talent in Key West,
that was the equivalent of the Round Table
at the Algonquin.
Les Marcott

Notes Toward a Memoir of Madness and Writing - Part IV
Gregory Luce | Scene4 MagazineWhat if, instead of being diagnosed, being called mentally ill, what if I had been able to receive care for its own sake. To be in distress, to ask for care, to receive it. What if there were space in the world for care.
Gregory Luce

Perfect Album: Boston
Patrick Walsh | Scene4 MagazineWhy is it that so many of the greatest albums are debuts? It’s no mystery. In that long gestation before an artist or group gives birth to a first record, whole lifetimes of musical growth have likely transpired.
Patrick Walsh


The Music in Defiance of the Taliban
Imagine a country where music is not allowed.
No Taylor Swift. No Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart.

Karren Alenier

Crystal Moment

Robert Peter Tristram Coffin

A progressive series of riveting sub-moments,
leading to a momentous finale.

David Alpaugh

The Artist as Blind Seer: A New Perspective on de Chirico/ Part 1
Perhaps the most important immediate predecessor to the Surrealists, who adopted and then abandoned him.
Brian George


The Living Bauhaus: Collages of Rod Heft
It's no wonder the work of Rod Heft shares a sensibility with the German Bauhaus where, for example, our man Kandinsky taught from 1922 to the end.
Lissa Tyler Renaud



Chicken Bone (Part Two)
My Story with Ernest Hemingway   Altenir Silva 
I didn't have a choice, by the way, as I was already informed,
Don Cristallo didn't accept no. So… I went to his table.

Snake Eyes    Arthur Danin Adler  
Mr. Joe Caswell is a not too old, not too young man,
easy to smile, easy to laugh, quick to anger.
Mr. Joe Caswell is a consumer and dismisser of most things, especially people

Life Upon the Wicked Stage    Arthur Danin Adler  
On the Joy of Hearing a Stream of Words and Music from Gifted
Non-internet Writers and Phrased by a Magical Non-internet Voice .



Painting: Woman with Red Ribbon
Poetry: Voyages of Rediscovery

The Art of David Wiley

The Art of SS. Burrus
A Retrospective

When the Earth is ravaged
and the animals are dying,
a new tribe of people will appear
on the Earth

Patrick Nagel
It’s in the Eyes



Scene4 Magazine: Perspectives - Audio | Theatre Thoughts  | Michael Bettencourt  | www.scene4.com

Theatre Thoughts
An entertaining array of audio essays on an array
of theatre topics by an astute and entertaining essayist

You Don’t Say!
Occasional Musings by an occasionally amused writer



Undress Me  
In a bar, Laura turns to Stefan and asks him to
undress her, by word of mouth, in his best mother tongue

Light Fantastic  
Weighty matters of brain neurons and addiction, two kisses, single-malt scotch, the green dance of blue, yellow lasers

Ear Buds
What happens when we love our devices
 — and they love us back

The Greed Gene
A young couple is told by their genetic counselor that
their child has the greed gene, there is nothing they can do


Letters to the Editor






Prior Issues
From The Archives



Scene4 Magazine - www.scene4.com

July/August 2015|

Scene4 Magazine - www.scene4.com
October 2014|

Scene4 Magazine - www.scene4.com
July 2014|

Scene4 Magazine - www.scene4.com
April 2014|

Scene4 Magazine - www.scene4.com
January 2014|

Everything Old Is New Again
January 2013|

What Is Obscenity and What’s Not?
January 2012|

A Brief But Quirky History of the Arts
January 2011|

The Rising Fall of the Arts
January 2010|

The One
January 2009|

What Is Art?
January 2008|

View of the Arts
January 2007|

The Art of Sex in the Arts
February 2006|

State of the Art of the Arts
October 2005|


The Steiny Road
Index of Karren Alenier’s
columns and writings

Film Reviews
Index of Miles David Moore’s 
reviews and writings

Index of Renate Stendhal’s
writings and reviews

Index of Arthur Danin Adler’s
columns and writings

Kandinsky Anew
Index of the series by
Lissa Tyler Renaud


Good Reading Is Currently On Sale Here

Karren Alenier
The Dresser addresses what’s
underneath the art

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September 2024

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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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